On the transparency thing...
This weekend, a friend of mine tried to prove to me that the "christian transparency thing is a bunch of #$&%" because he got burned while pouring his life into another on the journey. "So much for that experiment," he said. Since then, I've been reflecting...
There are NO SHORTCUTS to this "christian transparency thing!" I look at Galatians 2:20 and I read the words of the Apostle Paul, "I am crucified..." and I think — there is no shortcut given as an option. Crucifixion is a long, excruciating death. But, once I identify with Christ in His death, I can be real — transparent. It is at this point, I can be like Francis of Assisi — the life of Jesus can become transparent in my personality.
Transparency is clear-headed thinking (wisdom).
Transparency is clear-eyed vision (knowing the will of God).
Transparency is the simple joy in gratitude (humility).
"Being real" is not the attitude of "just deal with it, I'm just keepin' it real." Some of us need to watch Chappelle's When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong and take some notes. The true heart of transparency is compassion, humility and wisdom. This can only come from the life that Christ lives in and through us.
I've heard of this "two-kinds-of-christians" rhetoric before — carnal v. spirit-filled; faithful v. backsliders; aware v. unaware; soul-winners v. pew-sitters, etc. But recently, I read Søren Kierkegaard's view of it. He was said to believe that there are two kinds of Christians: imitators of Jesus and those who are content to admire Him. Any questions? Merton called this a "convenient spirituality." We keep God close for those moments to which He fits. We are Zacchaeus — we want to get out on a limb for Jesus, but we also want to keep our distance.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." These are the wise words from Harper Lee's timeless character, Atticus Finch. Is this transparency? Jesus has already climbed into our skin, maybe we should climb into His? Is this transparency? A simple disappearance of ourselves and the sudden appearance of Jesus?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. What does "being real" mean for a Christ-follower? Is "transparency" healthy and should this be such a hot topic in our christian rhetoric today? Please feed back...
There are NO SHORTCUTS to this "christian transparency thing!" I look at Galatians 2:20 and I read the words of the Apostle Paul, "I am crucified..." and I think — there is no shortcut given as an option. Crucifixion is a long, excruciating death. But, once I identify with Christ in His death, I can be real — transparent. It is at this point, I can be like Francis of Assisi — the life of Jesus can become transparent in my personality.
Transparency is clear-headed thinking (wisdom).
Transparency is clear-eyed vision (knowing the will of God).
Transparency is the simple joy in gratitude (humility).
"Being real" is not the attitude of "just deal with it, I'm just keepin' it real." Some of us need to watch Chappelle's When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong and take some notes. The true heart of transparency is compassion, humility and wisdom. This can only come from the life that Christ lives in and through us.
I've heard of this "two-kinds-of-christians" rhetoric before — carnal v. spirit-filled; faithful v. backsliders; aware v. unaware; soul-winners v. pew-sitters, etc. But recently, I read Søren Kierkegaard's view of it. He was said to believe that there are two kinds of Christians: imitators of Jesus and those who are content to admire Him. Any questions? Merton called this a "convenient spirituality." We keep God close for those moments to which He fits. We are Zacchaeus — we want to get out on a limb for Jesus, but we also want to keep our distance.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." These are the wise words from Harper Lee's timeless character, Atticus Finch. Is this transparency? Jesus has already climbed into our skin, maybe we should climb into His? Is this transparency? A simple disappearance of ourselves and the sudden appearance of Jesus?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. What does "being real" mean for a Christ-follower? Is "transparency" healthy and should this be such a hot topic in our christian rhetoric today? Please feed back...
Labels: Discipleship
I believe Jesus modeled transparency. He found such comfort in his own skin people sound him found to b uncomfortable(Pharisees, Sadducees, overly religious ones,etc). They found the freedom he experienced too much to bear. But it was his transparency that got in trouble.
We know the people of God (Israel) feared God. We know that at Mount Sinai they asked to be their mouth and ears because they greatly feared God. Just hearing his voice would bring death so they thought. I believe Jesus' transparency was so clear the religious saw straight through him to who he really was... So how did they respond: they killed Jesus. We do away with that which we fear and do not understand. It provides security and it makes things easy.
Now I am in no way promoting the idea that if we are transparent others will see we are God. However, of we not only claim to be followers of Christ but truly are, our transparency will allow others to see Christ and not us.
Jesus informs his disciples that others will know Him becuase of their love for one another. The love Jesus talks about involves transparency, yes the kind that could potentially get yiou burned. Welcome to a fallen world. But may I remind us all, the burn we will and do experience is nothing compared to the death Christ exerienced on our behalf. Yes, we need to follow Paul's words an put on Christ. We need to walk around I'm his skin because that's what followers of Christ are supposed to do. That'S the beauty of us being in Him and Him being in us.
One last thought, transparency is a call to be available to experience pain. Suffering comes part of thenpackahe deal of being a Christ follower. Accept it and you will find freedom. Decline and watch more pain and grief eat away at you. Transparency does not lead to loneliness,but is roadway to true, inimtate relationship.
AO, At
January 13, 2009 at 6:14 AM
I know the word transparency is hot right now. I think its inadequate though.
For instance, we can't say total transparency is always good, but we can say total honesty is always good. I can think of many times where total transparency is not always wise but we can say that total honesty is always wise.
I do not recall the word transparency used in the NT. Maybe it is. I do agree that telling the truth, not lying, vacant of pride are all Christian things we should do.
Anonymous, At
January 13, 2009 at 4:51 PM
In my line of work, a transparency is a clear, flimsy sheet used on an overhead projector. Its purpose is to model and disperse vital information for learning. But it is only viable when the light shines through it. While my analogy may be simplistic, it does sum up my thoughts "on the transparency thing." I know plenty of humble, wise, visionaries who are non-believers. So those qualities are attainable, but, like the flimsy piece of plastic, they have no effect without Light shining through them. While wisdom, vision, and humility are essential Christian characteristics, they do not serve their intended purpose until the Light of the world shines through them. Also, without the holder of these characteristics willing to be seen, the Light will never project them. A Believer cannot simply dismiss transparency because it's hard, or doesn't yield the results we hypothesize. Our purpose will never be fulfilled until we align our God-lead qualities with the Truth.
principal99, At
January 14, 2009 at 8:15 AM
The call to be real, to be transparent, to be authentic sounds pretty good. I like the idea of being me, and having hope that I will be accepted regardless. The challenge lies in the truth of your statement that "[t]here are NO SHORTCUTS to this christian transparency thing". The road is hard and lasts a lifetime. If the leaders of a community (a fellowship, a church), call for transparency, or stir the waters of keepin' it real, everyone needs to understand the universal appeal. Most people will respond, each with their own unique level of maturity.
Because there are no shortcuts to being a transparent Christian, the community will likely experience what your friend experienced. Because we are all at different points on our journey, we will encounter people that passionately keep it real outside the boundaries of wisdom, meekness and humility. If a fellowship is asked to be transparent, to put on glass skin, how many will be presenting Christ once the facade is removed? Its very likely that most will be showing more of their true broken state than Christ. How the community and especially its leaders responds is pretty important.
If I'm keepin' it real like Brenda Johnson (...I took notes), and tell others exactly what I think without using a bit of wisdom, control and humility, it is at that very moment that the community has its "teachable moment". You can't tell Brenda Johnson to live authentically then jump all over her when she does so recklessly. However, the community can respond just as authentically, but with the "true heart of transparency [which] is compassion, humility, and wisdom." If the fictional Brenda, and the person who burned your friend are consistently confronted with such compassionate transparency, in response to their own poor attempt, I believe they will be transformed by the love of Christ through the community. Unfortunately, that takes time, and creates turmoil. Overall, I think it's an inviting concept, but very hard to apply successfully.
Kevin Henry, At
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