Thursday, January 8, 2009

Brennan Manning Memoir

Publisher David C. Cook is planning to release The Furious Longing of God in March 2009. This is the long awaited memoir from one of my favorite's, Brennan Manning. Here is the descript from the publisher:

Imagine a stormy day at sea: your ship yielding to a relentless wind, pummeled by crashing waves, subject to the awesome force of nature. A force that is both fierce and majestic. A power that is nothing short of furious. Such is God's intense love for His children. The Furious Longing of God is the latest tour de force from beloved author and ragamuffin, Brennan Manning. Hold on tight as you discover the most powerful force in the universe: God's furious longing for you. There is nowhere God won't go to find us. No country too distant. No terrain too treacherous. No risk too great. It is a Father's search for His lost son, His lost daughter. And there are no boundaries to where His love will take Him in order to find us, embrace us, and carry us home!

You can pre-order the book at Amazon here.

If you've never read a book from Brennan, I would recommend The Ragamuffin Gospel or Abba's Child to start off. These are staple works for any follower of Christ that is tired of trying to live for God and chase the American Dream at the same time. If you're life has become too loud and out of control or if you
just long for the simple voice of God, these books have helped me return to a place of real peace and simplicity. God is still speaking to you, is it that you can't hear him...



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