It's YOU!
After reading Isaiah 61 last night and again this morning, I am captivated. I am captivated to the Word of God and find myself in the center of His will. Now the choice is mine. Do I act in faith, or do I wave to the journey that is passing by?
The key to this passage for me is the latter part of verse 1 — he has sent me. I think that too many of us are waiting for someone else to be sent. Someone else who can inspire us, lead us and give us hope that we are a noble people worth saving. We are waiting. Waiting for God to raise up a leader that has the Hollywood-iconic qualities to lead. Waiting for the slick, packaged, well-put-together person that has the Midas touch. Waiting for the franchise player. Waiting for the top draft pick. Waiting for a king. All we do is wait and hope and dream. And, all the while, we are waving to God's plan that is passing by.
Have you ever had the thought that the someone you are waiting for is — you? Is it you that God has called to proclaim, release, provide and rebuild? Isaiah came to the realization that God had sent him and no one else. He discerned that the Sovereign LORD was upon him. This means that God had convicted Isaiah's heart and had given him a clear vision of His will. Isaiah's mission was clear and focused. His mission was specific in nature and God-sized. None of these things that Isaiah proclaimed could come from his creativity or imagination. These things had God's fingerprints all over it.
To do justice, proclaim freedom and rebuild the ancient ruins are the call of God, and always have been. Let me say that again — and always have been! The problem has never been God's absence on the scene, it's been ours. We are absent. We have abdicated leadership in the name of waiting and watching. We have taken polls, surveys, focus groups and have gotten the opinions of those who want the best for us. However, we have not acted when prompted by the Sovereign LORD. We are still waiting for the "right" person to show up and lead. And, all the while, we are waving to God's plan that is passing by.
In all honesty, this post isn't really for you. It's for me. I admit, I have been waiting. Waiting for someone to step up and tell me what to do. Waiting for someone to give me a plan, a purpose, a mission to accomplish. Well, the waiting is over. I know that person is — me! I will NOT wave to the journey that is passing by. I will not miss God's call on my life to lead. Starting today, I am getting on board whole-heartedly. No regrets, no looking back, no plan B. I am jumping on board in faith, regardless of the cost. The reward will be great, but that really doesn't matter because waiting is over.
The key to this passage for me is the latter part of verse 1 — he has sent me. I think that too many of us are waiting for someone else to be sent. Someone else who can inspire us, lead us and give us hope that we are a noble people worth saving. We are waiting. Waiting for God to raise up a leader that has the Hollywood-iconic qualities to lead. Waiting for the slick, packaged, well-put-together person that has the Midas touch. Waiting for the franchise player. Waiting for the top draft pick. Waiting for a king. All we do is wait and hope and dream. And, all the while, we are waving to God's plan that is passing by.
Have you ever had the thought that the someone you are waiting for is — you? Is it you that God has called to proclaim, release, provide and rebuild? Isaiah came to the realization that God had sent him and no one else. He discerned that the Sovereign LORD was upon him. This means that God had convicted Isaiah's heart and had given him a clear vision of His will. Isaiah's mission was clear and focused. His mission was specific in nature and God-sized. None of these things that Isaiah proclaimed could come from his creativity or imagination. These things had God's fingerprints all over it.
To do justice, proclaim freedom and rebuild the ancient ruins are the call of God, and always have been. Let me say that again — and always have been! The problem has never been God's absence on the scene, it's been ours. We are absent. We have abdicated leadership in the name of waiting and watching. We have taken polls, surveys, focus groups and have gotten the opinions of those who want the best for us. However, we have not acted when prompted by the Sovereign LORD. We are still waiting for the "right" person to show up and lead. And, all the while, we are waving to God's plan that is passing by.
In all honesty, this post isn't really for you. It's for me. I admit, I have been waiting. Waiting for someone to step up and tell me what to do. Waiting for someone to give me a plan, a purpose, a mission to accomplish. Well, the waiting is over. I know that person is — me! I will NOT wave to the journey that is passing by. I will not miss God's call on my life to lead. Starting today, I am getting on board whole-heartedly. No regrets, no looking back, no plan B. I am jumping on board in faith, regardless of the cost. The reward will be great, but that really doesn't matter because waiting is over.
Labels: Leadership
Waiting... Isn't that the story of our lives. Isn't it the story of the Bible? Abraham waited for a son. Joseph waited to get out of prison. The people of Israel waited to be led out of Egypt. David waited to be king. Hezekiah waited to die. The Jews waited on a Messiah. The disciples waited for the outpouring of the Spirit. Paul waited for the last days. We wait for the return of Christ. But the difference between me and Paul... He actively waited. He understood the urgency and took action. Let's move!!! AO
AO, At
February 17, 2009 at 9:30 AM
"And I said: "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!"
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar.
And he touched my mouth and said: "Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for."
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."
Okay, I'm sticking my hand in the air. I'm identifying. I'm one sitting on the curb as the parade is passing by, waiting for the convertible holding the Grand Marshal.
This blog may not be the best forum for it, but I'd like to hear how this turns out for you. I want to join Him as well, and I'd like to compare notes, so to speak. And at any point you think you'd like some company, let me know.
Kevin Henry, At
February 17, 2009 at 10:01 PM
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